
2011 Update

Hello All,

It's been one crazy journey the past year and I sincerely apologize for not posting anything since the last post. Lots of things happened good and bad. We decided to move back down to LA since things did not quite flow the way we expected. One thing, nobody expected the closure at IMD (bad). Luckily, my family and I were prepared for that ahead of time and planned accordingly. The good thing was spending time with family up north for a year(good). Priceless. I gained a lot of valuable experience in the last couple of years and met a lot of amazing talent. The last job was a great experience and I learned quite a bit in the limited time we had. In the end, Los Angeles was a place we recognized as our home and now we're back.

Here is something to tie you guys over until I cook something up. This was a piece derived from a similar template I used earlier. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I am glad you are back posting and back to your old new home. Yes life can be pretty hectic at times and good for you to have gained valuable experience from it. Very happy to see you posting again. Please don't leave this place too long without new or unpublished work from you. Really like your work and always love coming by to check if there is something new. Take good care!!

Ezra Lau said...

love your work; it's very inspirational. hope to see more!

Brian Yam said...

Thank you guys! I will have more soon. You can say this is my "comeback". ;)

Daniel C said...

Looks like you traced off of Uncharted 2. AGAIN! J/K bro, nice work. Feels really atmospheric and moody.