

I consider myself a big car nut, but motorcycles are really fun to doodle around as well. I did these thumbs to help familarize myself with the language of motorcycles. These are great to do when you suffer by watching a long love story. :P


Mr Colin said...

Awesome Man!

Jason Scheier said...

very cool

Ang said...

Cool doodles! I have been busy with school. hope you overcome the business. lol what love movie were you watching?

Anonymous said...

dang man!! makes me want to get a motorcycle.
Hows the SLOWBARU doin?

Unknown said...

James, we should all ride bikes. That will surely reduce LA traffic.

Nice Bikes Yammer. You should make one with a big scoop in the front and a wing in the back... or better yet, chop the STI in half:).

I make no sense.

Brian Yam said...

Thanks guys. I'll try to post more finished stuff when I get a chance.

James- The Slowbaru is doing fine. I've been driving it to work lately:P
I got to watch out for rear enders though. How is the MITSUBROKIE? Did you add turbo thrusters yet? :P

Gracia said...

Hey, you have amazing work in your blog! congrats!