Hello Folks!
Happy Holidays to you all! I have some news to share today. My family and I have decided it's time to return home to the Bay Area to be closer to both our families and to move on to embrace new opportunities. The final move will commence tomorrow.
It's been an awesome journey in Southern California for the past 10 years. I want to thank everyone whom I had met for the past decade for their kindness, generosity, and knowledge passed along the years. My experience here in Southern California has been very fruitful and rewarding. I can't ask for anything more.
It's quite mind boggling to reflect on how much things changed for me through these years and how much growth was acquired as an artist. From the time when I just started Art Center back in 1999-2002 and then working in the field professionally until now really went by in a flash. Frak! Time flies when you're having fun. I certainly enjoyed all the challenges that were given to me. It definitely kept my toes busy.
The list is too long to name, but I would like to thank all my friends, foes, and colleagues for their support which makes my departure even harder. :( For some of you which I did not have a chance to catch up with, my apologies and we'll catch up soon. For all the followers of this blog, thank you for your support so far. This means alot and I extend my appreciation out to all of you.
In the meantime, stay warm for the holidays. Keep in touch!